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What A Miracle!

What a Miracle!

When Jesus was physically leaving His disciples, He promised not to leave them “as orphans” or without sending a Helper! After returning to His Father, He sent the Holy Spirit to indwell not only the twelve, but all those who believe in Him as the Savior sent into the world by a loving God.

The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is not a concept to be rationalized. You simply believe the words and promise of Jesus. Jesus is the only One who could specifically define the role of the Holy Spirit who represents the release of power and authority of a risen Christ. The Role of the Holy Spirit (John 15:26 &16:7-14) is as follows:-

  1. The Holy Spirit is the embodiment of Truth.

  2. He is the Guide because He knows everything, and has divine authority.

  3. He reveals future events.

  4. Through the Apostles, the Holy Spirit is a witness to the world that mankind needed a savior, Christ, to be reconciled to God.

  5. The Holy Spirit is proof that Jesus came from God, was victorious over evil, and returned to God, after promising that He would send His Holy Spirit.

  6. He is a witness to the world that that there will be a judgment because of disbelief and rejection by some people.

  7. The Holy Spirit represents Jesus as the righteous Son of God who completed His work of salvation and returned to His Father. Only then His power and authority were released to believers.

  8. He is exactly like Christ, revealing the Mind and Will of God to believers, and helping to mold them into Christ-like followers.

  9. The Holy Spirit is a Teacher and a Reminder of Jesus’ teachings.

Have you ever paused to reflect on this miracle of the Holy Spirit living within you if you are a believer in Christ as your Savior?

Are you in tune with the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to guide you and to help you to walk as a true child of God?

Al Jones

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